Fiatalok Fotóművészeti Stúdiója
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Self-definition works with feedbacks which help determining the place in the society. The feedbacks altogether form and outline a function one can shoulder. I define the personality as a malleable and neutral matter, which exists adapted to the environment. According to Physics, everything tries to approach a minimum value at equilibrium and create a stable state. The environmental principles and qualities determine the potential of this state like as a bubble taking on its general form. This material, framework or reality is the external definer and deformer. Likewise the functions of objects are given by its users. If you find an unfamiliar object, you try to find out its proper application and original usage. Is it possible to find the original function of an object like this? Is it possible to use a personality for a purpose other than that intended?
My photographs represents this research, the question of self-definition, the environmental effects and orientation. The external factors, the feedbacks and requirements define and deform the self, like the functions and final shape of an object are given by independent factors of it.
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